Plasma - Panda Eye Treatment
Service Description
Plasma Panda Eye treatment is a full circle around the eye. Treating Hooding eyelids, Crows feet, and under eyes. Numb cream & after care provided. Plasma treatment or soft surgery method is a revolutionary method for a perfect facial rejuvenation. Plasma is a non-surgical technique where no scalpels or any other surgical instruments are used. Plasma treatment is an active answer to patient’s/customer’s needs for beauty treatments that provides perfect look but is not based on surgical methods and there are no surgical risks involved. As you know, these risks are anaesthesia, stitches, swelling, long downtime, possible complications, bruises etc. It is important to have in mind that surgical methods are far more expensive and complicated, while the end results are comparable with this soft surgery treatment. The Plasma treatment uses the fourth state of matter – plasma. Tissues treated by creating a small electrical arch, similar to a tiny lightning bolt. When the electrical arch – plasma – touches the skin surface, the heat widens the acne and is subsequently transferred into the epidermis all the way to the papillary layer which contains fibroblast cells. The result is con-traction and tightening of the skin cells. Consequently, the excess skin is reduced and the result is comparable to lift procedures or wrinkle reduction. Most, if not all, methods of skin resurfacing are based on creating a controlled skin damage, which activates its healing and this leads to the skin re-modeling and improvement in various signs of aging. Even though skin layers get damaged by plasma in a controlled manner (by heating, fragmentation, vaporization – sublimation and coagulation), they do not burn off as they largely do under ablative laser and, importantly, there is no open wound during the healing phase. This is extremely important as this approach reduces the risk of side effects such as scarring, infection, loss of pigmentation etc. After the treatment small dry spots – scabs form. They need 5-7 days to fall off and during this time the client should keep the skin surface clean (use Octenisept and lukewarm water) and protect it with a spf cream.
Contact Details
3111 Los Feliz Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90027, USA